The day after the big asado, we helped around the ranch in the morning and then went fishing again in the afternoon. This time Roberta came with me to give fly fishing a try. Unfortunately, the water had become murky from the rain the day before and we didn't have much luck. It didn't help that the wind was howling that day as well, making casting quite difficult.

We did go for a drive and see a lot of deer around dusk and go for a hike up the hill to get a good view.

Most of the land in the area is wide open brown pampas like this except near creeks/rivers.

That night we were invited over to Rosie and Tommy's for dinner which was another amazing 3 course meal.
The next day I spent the whole day fishing. I took a little picnic with me and even had a nice nap on the bank.

The water cleared up again and the fishing became good again. I was able to catch 20-25 fish mostly on the dry fly which made things exciting.

Another nice brown trout.

The lucky grasshopper fly.

On the way back, I was treated with all kinds of red deer crossing the river in front of me. It was a day that I soon won't forget.

The "Honey Pot"
Roberta spent the day writing a blog and walking around the ranch.

We were treated to another meal at Rosie and Tommy's which was some of the best venison I have ever had.

The next morning, Roberta got up and went for a horse ride with one of the gauchos. They were nice enough to let her ride in a western saddle, but she switched with him half way through the ride to experience the gaucho saddle. She said she could see herself falling off if things got hairy as it was very different. Unfortunately, her phone died when they were out there so she didn't get any pics.

After another amazing lunch made by Paula, it was time to leave this paradise. We were so spoiled and feel so lucky to have had that experience. It wasn't easy to leave as you can tell. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip so far.
Now we are headed to Paula's sister's place that is around 1000 kms away to check out their ranch. Tune in next time to hear about it.....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:San Martin de Los Andes
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