So I think I will do a shmozzle of the things we saw heading south of Santiago, once we were riding in style with our own wheels! First of all, here is our beauty ride, an '05 Mitsubishi Outlander. I'm not a huge vehicle person, I really think they're just there to get you from Point A to B, but in this case, Point A to B (and C, D, and so forth), has got me so excited, and as a result I am excited about this car!

Just look at my face. Dork.

That's the back with the seats folded down and our little air mattresses set out.

The first night we stopped at a little campsite in front of a lake. It felt so cool to be out on our own after being at the mercy of buses and planes.
The first thing we saw as an attraction (other than just seeing things as we drove), was the Parque Nacional Laguna de la Laja. In English, it translates to 'Lake of the Slab,' which just doesn't have the same nice ring to it. There is one very scenic cone here- Volcán Antuco (2979 m), which last erupted in 1869.

A beautiful panorama within the park. Laguna de la Laja (the lake) and Volcán Antuco on the left.

You can see the concentric rings of the last lava flow

"Gringa" our beauty wheels! (Get it, because she's white....😂)

This was a monument to the 44 soldiers of the Chilean army that lost their lives in a May snowstorm, where they were buried in 2 m of snow. It was very sad because this happened back in 2005 and a lot of the birthdates were from 1986.

That night we had a nice little campfire

We did a nature hike the next day, here Jared is standing next to a big lava flow from the last eruption

Salto Las Chilcas (named after the beautiful chilca bushes on either side)

When this was lava, there were big gas bubbles, and when it hardened the holes remained. Here I have my arm through one.

What a crazy spider web pattern!

Flowers on a chilca bush

The waterfall right by where we camped that night, and Jared's fly rod, which he will bust out whenever he can!

A nice little spot to camp for the night

Cooking in the shadow of the Volcán Antuco at sunset
Until Next Time!
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